Thursday, April 2, 2009

How It All Began...

So we are now into April and things have been great so far! It's so crazy to think that we are now getting married next month! Time is going by really fast (thank goodness)! Only one week left of school and then it's off to Vegas and then California for a week! (For me at least. Aaron has to go back to his other love... Melaleuca :P ) We've got most of the big wedding plans out of the way which is such a relief. Our next biggest goal is gonna be trying to get those dang invitations out in a timely manner. It occurred to me though that our engagement probably seemed kinda sudden so I thought I might explain how Aaron and I know each other in the first place.
Aaron and I met each other last April at a ward activity. It was the kick-off activity for the summer semester and Aaron was my ex-FHE brother's roommate... Does that make sense? Dallin was my FHE brother last winter semester and he moved to the apartment upstairs for the summer semester where Aaron was living and they became roommates. Anyways, the party was right outside their apartment and I was kinda early so I decided to go visit Dallin. We weren't talking for very long before this unfamiliar (but highly attractive) man strolls into the apartment. I, of course, was the most gorgeous creature he had ever seen (ha!) so he immediately introduced himself. I found out that he was from the Sacramento area, which really excited me considering my family had just moved there and I didn't know anyone. After talking a little bit we went down to the party and ate together and talked some more. He was very friendly and fun to talk to. Little did I know what would become of us back then! That was the beginning though. I could go a lot further into the details of the progression of our relationship but undoubtedly, Aaron would want to tell his side of the story because I wasn't that nice to him. So... I'm just not gonna go there and will instead leave with the happy thought that everything worked out and we're going to live happily ever after now :)

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The Day We Started Dating

The Day We Started Dating
December 22nd in Placerville

Black and White

Black and White
This is one of the pictures we took for our engagement pictures